Online Language Learning Spin-off of the University of Hasselt

How achieve the best results with the CommArt e-learning modules?

How maximise the efficiency of the CommArt-modules?

(Assisted) autonomous learning and (semi-)autronomous learning


CommArt International distributes hi-tech learning packages mostly based on scientific research of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CTL), R&D institute of Hasselt University.These e-modules benefit form the most recent technological features, are multimedia, flexible and polyvalent. CommArt is also developer itself, collaborating with experienced authors, assisted if needed by CTL.

Finally, CommArt makes its multimedia online authoring platform EMCG2.0© available free of charge, together with the accompanying manual to authors who want to create an online multimedia interactive module themselves and have it distributed (internationally) by CommArt.

Every learning starts of course with a discovery phase that gradually evolves (through repetition after increasingly longer intervals) towards the definitive acquisition of the intended knowledge or skill, ie being able to speak a new language.

The modules are designed for (semi-)autonomous learning. A good dose of self-discipline is therefore required. To this end, work out a strict work plan that you carefully observe, preferably with weekly fixed working moments. hereafter you find a proposal for a work schedule (to be adjusted by everyone according to available time and learning speed):

  • Period 1: lesson A (go thourgh 3 x)
  • Period 2: lesson B (2x) + A (1x)
  • Period 3: Lesson C (2x) + B (1x)
  • Period 4: lesson D (2x) + C (1x) + A (1x)
  • Period 5: Lesson E (5x) + D (1x) + B (1x)
  • Period 6: Lesson F (2x) + E (1x) + C (1x)

and so on.

Below we give a brief overview and some tips to allow you to get the most out of the CommArt modules.

1 Flexible and polyvalent

Option 1: the linear progression

You go through the modules linearly, i.e. you follow the linear progression drawn by the authors. So you start at the beginning and progress gradually, part after part, exercise after exercise, towards the end. You have constant access to the corresponding theory.

Option 2: the lateral entry

Depending on current needs, you can also go through a specific communicative situation or start or repeat a specific grammatical theme.

In addition, inductive and deductive learning styles were taken into account in the development.

Do you prefer to start with the exercises? When you make too many mistakes, you can access the linked theory with a simple click.

But you can also start by going through the theory and then test yourself by doing exercises.

2 (Semi-) autonomous learning: how?

2.1 Use in autonomous or independent learning

Due to their extensive feedback, the CAI modules perfectly meet the needs of the most demanding autodidact. Progress in IT allow e-modules to:

  • Seek as much contact as possible with the speaqkers of the target language in their natural environment (by traveling, as a tourist, via television, radio, reading ...)
  • If possible, find peers to practice orally at regular intervals (in a discussion group or via skype, for example)
  • Set yourself strict deadlines, possibly with a "reward" per period. Make a time schedule and stick to it.