Online Language Learning Spin-off of the University of Hasselt

Tracking and dashboards to follow up the learners' learning activities by himself and by his/her coach

Online registration of the results of the work done

A learner wishes to see his progresses. EMCG2.0 offers him an easy and user friendly labeling facility: he can label each part of a module, both theory and exercises, as shown in the image below:

Dashboards for coaches and students

Providing motivating guidance stimulates every coach

Clear dashboards with the relevant information about the learning activities are indispensable for this. Which student is doing what, at what time, and with which result? More specifically, when are certain exercises made, and what are the results? How many audio fragments are listened to in full, and how often does the student record their answer? Which exercise or theory page is repeated most often ...? All this information is available for each individual student, and also in comparison with the total group you are coaching.

The course participants themselves also benefit from using their own dashboard to keep track of their own learning behaviour and evaluate accordingly. If they want to, they can even compare their own progress (anonymously) with their peers.

The CommArt dashboards were developed on the basis of a scientific project and tested at Hasselt University. A clear positive link was established between the online learning activities and the evaluated communication skills of the students.


Self-study with coaching

The CommArt e-modules, which are available on our server 24/7, can be studied as complete self-study packages. Because of the well thought-through didactic methods and progression, your communication skills will improve quickly.

To get the most out of this process and to practice your skills for specific simulations most effectively, a coach can enhance your learning process by providing real-time feedback. This applies especially to speaking and conversation skills (telephone calls or face-to-face conversations, negotiations, presentations ...).

Depending on availability, an experienced CommArt coach can assist you.

CommArt offers this service for a number of e-modules.

A coach draws up a workable schedule according to your availability: which parts of the e- module are you able to prepare (thoroughly) within which time frame, and when can these be reviewed together with your personal coach? This schedule, completely tailored to your needs, will be an extra stimulus to perservere, especially if your current workload leaves little time for extra (language) courses.  

You will be in contact with one of our coaches

• via webinar (on your PC or tablet, at home, at work or anywhere you choose) or telephone

• for any questions regarding the e-module (explanation of vocabulary and common expressions, grammar, cultural aspects, etc.)

• for simulations (you choose your part in a role play simulation, the coach plays the other)

• optionally available: video recording of interactive simulations (negotiation of a quote, company presentation, handling of a complaint, job interview, etc.) with feedback by the coach.

This offer applies to individuals and companies.

For more information, please contact us.