Online Language Learning Spin-off of the University of Hasselt

EUR.Friends, a euregional complement of the traditional education and training

www.EUR.Friends (2017-2021)

The 12 online modules can be ordered for free below the section "Language in which you wish to improve your communication: e-modules" ... "Professionnal and business communication". Please use the discount code "EUR.Friends".



www.EUR.Friends meets the priorities defined in the cooperation programme Interreg VA, axis 3: "social inclusion and training" which specifically aims to develop integrated cross-border actions fostering inclusion (preventing early dropping-out of school) and to optimize the relevance of cross-border training systems to the labour market. Previous project investments (INTERREG IVA : Linguacluster, TIComKMO, …) must now be capitalized towards the cross-border regions' sustainable development. We need to keep on stimulating cross-border mobility and EMR populations' skills and motivation to communicate "on" as well as "offline".


Main objectives:

The project meets the objectives and project categories mentioned in the Interreg VA programme by supporting actions fostering language learning and in-company placements, revaluating vocational education, cross-border mobility, students', workers' and job seekers' training. The core idea of this project is to create a sustainable network within the EMR by stimulating professional mobility and improving communication skills (languages and interculturalism).


Main activities:

  1. Organizing cross-border in-company placements, mainly for technical and vocational secondary education students with a view to develop their technical and communicative know-how in professional context while being immersed in another language and culture. A hybrid open source App will be available to them for communicative help at hand.

  2. Developing ''language-culture" online e-modules meeting the needs of SMEs, higher education students (bachelors) and job seekers;

  3. Implementing a digital platform for all young people in the EMR. This will work as a euregional school journal enhanced by its digital form. The platform will be designed on the principles of a “bottom-up” and a “co-creation” approach, a collaboration between partners and youngsters.


Expected results and outputs:

  • The revaluation of technical and vocational education thanks to a euregional schools-businesses network facilitating the organization of cross-border placements; An online database (complementary development of Babelreg/ Interreg IVA) of 720 cross-border placements will centralize supply and demand;

  • An open source App designed for tablets and smartphones; its "upbeat" lay-out is expected to work as an incentive to young trainees' intrinsic motivation. This will be customizable and downloadable on Google Play/App Store;

  • An optimization process for placements (stakeholders' roles, use of the tools, organizational arrangements) taking the form of a validated scenario;

  • Directly operational (future) workers and job seekers thanks to better communication and intercultural skills in a foreign language through the use of 9 interactive and contrastive e-modules (source language/culture to target language/culture). These will be developed from an analysis of the needs of SMEs throughout the EMR (TIComKMO) and of the cultural differences and similarities between the partner regions (INTERcCOM);

  • Easier and closer interaction between all youngsters and young adults of the EMR, both within and outside all types of secondary education schools, including technical and vocational education. This will be made possible through a digital communication platform. It is expected that this platform will help them develop their digital, media education, language and intercultural skills.


The added value of this cooperation:

The partners' choice is based upon their expertise, complementarity and willingness to jointly stimulate cross-border mobility and interaction. The pooling together of their personal school and business networks will foster placements and the use of the App. The cross-cutting (linguistic and cultural) expertise of those partners who conceive and those who validate (schools of higher education, universities etc.) will enhance the e-modules. The communicative interactions between youngsters within the EMR (trainees included) will furnish the digital platform.


Links partners:

  1. Province de Liège - Maison des Langues (BE) (algemeen coördinator)
  2. Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum Toegepaste Linguïstiek (BE)
  3. Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft (BE)
  4. Zuyd Hogeschool (NL)
  5. CommArt Int. nv (BE)
  6. HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège (BE)
  7. Hogeschool PXL (BE)
  8. Vista College (NL)
  9. Region Aachen - Zweckverband (DE)
  10. regio iT gesellschaft für informationstechnologie mbh (DE)



01.04.2017 - 30.06.2021


Prof. M. Verjans (coördinator UHasselt - CTL)
[email protected]
+32 11 268686


a project funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),
in the framework of the INTERREG V A Meuse-Rhine Euregio programme.

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