Surprising, original and
also extremely useful,
that's the CommArt gift voucher

How does it work?
Order any language-learning module from the CommArt range to the value1 you wish to give and in the comments box, write “Gift voucher”. CommArt will send you the voucher via email. You can then send the email on to the receiver or print out the voucher.
What makes the CommArt language learning products so UNIQUE?
Geared toward self-study, the modules offer many different kinds of resources:
- The central texts or dialogues (often spoken in the language of several different regions)
- Scores for every exercise and correction by an e-coach
- Many exercises for speaking fluency with the possibility to record and compare with a model
- A contrastive vocabulary list to accompany many of the central documents
- A translation of the basic dialogues in most modules
- A functional grammar
- Word lists by theme
- Cultural background information
- Explanations and instructions in the source language
- A contrastive dictionary (hovering over a word gives additional information)

The ‘contrastive approach’ guarantees more efficient learning.
The most popular modules are top-of-the-range cloud products; ready to be used anywhere there is an internet connection.
We offer language learning modules for many different target audiences, ranging from complete beginners (everyday basic communication) to business executives (professional business communication):
- Calibrated using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Or based on an extensive needs analysis
CommArt, the learning of the future,
The future of learning

[1] If the value of the voucher is not sufficient for the chosen CommArt product, the remaining sum can be paid into the account: BE63 7350 1800 5208.